Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Good Leadership Tips

Have we ever led by someone? How does it feel when we are led by it? Is it fun? Whether the leadership is able to accommodate all our needs? Yup, it seems like it was the common question frequently asked questions related to the leadership of a person.
Being a leader is easy, but that for those accustomed to. This will be tricky when faced with someone who does not know how good leadership. Lead not only lies in the art, but there is also a scientific basis to them.

Some of the factors that we need to look in the familiar style of leadership are as follows:

1. Concern of a leader.
People we lead are not going to bother with what we know before we know what we care about from the people we lead. Leading does not mean we go around telling other people to do something. People will want to lead us if we also understand what they need. So, they would believe if we are able and willing to meet all their needs. We do not just hang out and get into their realm, but we also have to convince them if we are also a part of them.

2. Humility is a leader.
A good leader will not lead because of ego. So, as a leader must be able to be humble and do not look down on people we lead. The person who leads the ego to rule in a rage, emotional, and create an atmosphere that completely terrified. Indeed, when he led there will be a lot of stick, but after his tenure is completed there will be no more people willing to follow him. In other words, its effect on people who had previously been led to disappear.

3. Leading with a simple, clear and direct.
How could someone who will run the command inconsequential, complicated, and confusing? Therefore, we must make a simplification. Commands should be simple to avoid the hassle of thinking and acting, obviously meant to be easily understood, and leads directly to the focus of the objectives to be achieved. Leaders also should not be too rigid or falter in coordinating followers.

4. Attitude of respect for friend and foe alike.
A good leader is a leader who never belittle others. If as a leader accustomed to underestimate the performance of others, then that means the same thing does not show himself a great and important, but it shows how little own self. We must be courteous and respect others, because it will have tremendous charisma in the eyes of others.

5. Not lead to the ambitious.
Lead an ambitious closely related to the emotional and lead to self-interest. Leaders should be able to distinguish between personal and group interests. Do not ever mix the mortar between them.

6. Leading with emotional stability.
Are emotionally less stable it is not good, especially if used to lead a person. Do not ever shout a thing in public, because it can reduce the authority as a leader.

7. The importance of the participation of the people we lead.
Leaders have to realize the needs of those being led. As a human being, will only know what they need when they want to convey what they really need and expect from the leadership.


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