Sunday, October 30, 2011

Parents of 16,000 kWh Meters Replaced

KWH METER NEW - PLN Manager APJ Pekalongan Isdenta Sinurat symbolically handed new kWh meters to kWh meter replacement implementation team, the National Electricity Day memorial to 66 of 2011 in APJ's office on Thursday (27/10) morning.

SAMPANGAN - PT PLN (Persero) and the Service Area Network (APJ) Pekalongan in the year 2011 it aims to replace 16,000 KWh meter's old customers with new ones. The existence of this replacement is intended to improve, and maintain the accuracy of measurement of electricity consumption. So as to create a fair transaction between PLN with customers.
It is delivered PLN Manager APJ Pekalongan, Isdenta Sinurat, in the commemoration ceremony of the National Electricity (HUT PLN) to-66 with the theme of 'Work Work Work' and sub-themes "in the Framework of the National Electricity Day-66, PLN Launch Replacement Program and kWh Old meters as Enhancement Program Electrical Energy Measurement Accuracy "held at the offices page APJ local power company, Sampangan, Pekalongan City, Thursday (27/10) morning.
It is said, in a day, hundreds of executive teams in the scope of the replacement of kWh meters are deployed PLN APJ Pekalongan 400 kWh is targeted to replace old meters with new ones. "Details, UPJ Pekalongan 100 units, 100 units Kedungwuni, Wiradesa 100 units, and 100 units of kWh meters Trunk old with new," explains Isdenta.
He added that, since January 2011, PLN has implemented replacement APJ Pekalongan old 14 000 kWh. "So, still less that five thousand more will be completed until December," he added. Replacement kWh meter is intended for those who have been aged between 15 to 20 years old and defective.
Isdenta explains, kWh meter replacement program will be beneficial for the old state finances. Because, during this PLN harmed by the kWh meter is still installed in the home electric bill its customers for the measurement inaccurate. "Old KWh meter, that is still used so frequently is not the way so it can not print the customer's account data. Finally, the amount of power consumption should be paid under the customer does not use it should be. It hurt state finances," he explained.
He pointed out, customers who actually use the electricity for four amperes, but because the old meter kWh that does not have two feet must be off the sensor, then the four-amperage electricity consumption could still walk. That is, the customer should pay the electricity consumption of four amperes would only pay two amperes only. "In principle there are no disadvantaged communities in this replacement. It's for state finances," he said.
Furthermore Isdenta asserted, the public not to worry about the replacement of kWh meters with new parents. It is also stressed that the replacement is free. "Never give some money to the officer any money. Replacement is purely an obligation PLN, and one hundred percent free. Even customers can ask for kWh meter with higher technology, for example by a digital system. All for free," he said.
Related to the theme raised the "Work Work Work", he explained that it was a new slogan for all levels of PLN. Disclosed, with the slogan around PLN officers will continue to work to serve the community, regardless of the political elements and pressures from other parties. "Not only was kept off-duty work. But the work continues to finish," he said.
In commemoration of National Electricity to 66 of 2011 yesterday, APJ Pekalongan PLN also provides a number of awards and mementos for their employees full duty.
The first is a form of loyalty rewards charter work. The award is given to those who have worked for 2, 3, and 4 tiger. Five people who receive this award, each Sulistiorini, Dwi Nugroho, Septiaji Utomo, Maryoto, and Sugiharto. Next is a full handover souvenirs tasks, each recipient is Azairin Asral, Makmur Dimyati, Purwadi, Kumadi, and Sugiharto. (Way)


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