Monday, July 23, 2012

Tips For Learning Spirit

Come, follow these tips to increase our motivation:

1. Friends with people keen to learn
Ever heard the analogy of the person who's friends with artisan blacksmith or a perfume seller. If we get along with the artisan blacksmith, so we are also splattered the smell of burnt metal, and if along with the perfume seller, we would be splashed scent of perfume. Habits and their enthusiasm will be contagious to us

2. Associating with people who enjoy learning and achievement, will make us even eager to learn. In addition, try to find people or communities that have a good habit to learn.
Ask about experience in a variety of places to people who have or are continuing their education to higher education, those who received scholarships to study abroad, or people who received credit for an achievement.

3. Learn anything
Understanding learning here is widely understood, both formal and nonformal. We can learn about the various skills such as assembling a computer, learn to write, make movies, sail on entrepreneurship, and others.

4. Learning from the internet
We can use the Internet to join a group of people who love to learn. One of our mailing lists can become a means of exchanging ideas, thoughts, and self-motivation.

5. Associate with people who are optimistic and always think positive
In this world, there are people who always seem optimistic despite merudung problem. We will catch the spirit, passion, and sense of optimism if often socialize with people or are in a community like that, and vice versa.

6. Find a motivator
Sometimes, someone takes another person as a booster or a mentor in life. For example: a friend, boyfriend, or spouse. You can do the same with finding someone / community who can help you motivate a landing or learning and achievement.


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