Friday, June 15, 2012

Tips to Overcome Migraine

Headache (migraine) often interfere with our daily activities. Migraine is a common complaint in the community. Often we as health professionals were asked about the cause of migraines and how to overcome them.

Migraine is a vascular headache with recurrent pain attacks lasting 4-72 hours. Pain is usually sesisi (unilateral), its throbbing, moderate to severe pain intensity, aggravated by activity, and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, eye feels glare, there is a change in vision, including blurred vision or blind spots occur where you can not see at a certain point.

Being distracted by the light (illumination), noise or odor. Migraines are classified into: migraine with aura, migraine without aura, migraine oftalmoplegik, retinal migraine, migraine headaches associated with intracranial disorders, migraine with complications, and disorders such as migraine is not terklasifikasikan.Namun that often occur in migraine without aura is the community.

Migraines can occur at several ages, it can also occur in women and men. But according to the study, migraine was more common in women than in men. Migraines can occur at any age but usually appears between the ages of 10-40 years and the number of events decreased setelahusia 50 years.

Migraine can occur due to changes in hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in women, particularly in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, dietary factors (red wine, sodium nitrate), vasoconstrictor (cheese, chocolate), as well as additives in food., Physical factors such as lahraga weight, fatigue, stress, alcohol, smoking and such sensory stimuli (such as the glare of light, strong scent).

Then how the treatment and prevention of migraine? Penatalaksaan migraine in general can be done by reducing risk factors, pharmacological and non pharmacological therapy and preventive therapy is recommended for patients who did not experience improvement with acute attack medicines. There are two classes of analgesic drugs commonly used in migraine treatment is Acetaminophen (paracetamol) and NSAIDs or Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs. NSAIDs are divided into two types: non-aspirin and aspirin. Which belong to the class of non-aspirin NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen. Several types of NSAIDs can be obtained by prescription. If this treatment does not subside then the doctor will also prescribe other classes of drugs, yergantung of this type of migraine. Therefore for migraine sufferers should consult a physician in treatment, because of the effects and the dose of each drug is different.

there is an important principle in migraine prevention is to change the pattern of life is at risk triggering migraine This includes stopping smoking, avoiding food containing tyramine (chemical found in cheese, wine, beer, sausages, and pickles) can trigger the occurrence of migraine . Reported food flavoring or MSG can cause headaches, facial flushing, sweating and pounding pounding if consumed in large quantities on an empty stomach. This phenomenon is commonly called Chinese restaurant syndrome. Aspartame or artificial sweeteners that are often found in diet drinks and snacks, can trigger a migraine when eaten in large numbers and long periods of time. Therefore you should avoid these foods. It also needs to avoid foods that contain high nitrates such as nuts, nor caffeine in large quantities. Caffeine is contained in many food products such as soft drinks, tea, chocolate, and coffee.

In addition to avoiding foods trigger migraine we also have to maintain a healthy lifestyle, by eating, nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, do not be put off eating and avoid long fasting and exercise regularly. Exercise can improve sleep quality and decrease the frequency of migraine. Perform a gradual increase in exercise. The sport is too hard so tired body will actually trigger migraine headaches. Reduce stress with relaxation techniques. Hopefully this information useful.


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